How To Write Distribution Contract – A Check List

Manufacturers create brands for building unique product identity. Brands build specific values around them to attract and retain targeted consumers and need a path or channel to reach consumers across the country. A channel consists of several organizations or entities…

How To Create Distribution Plan For Your Business

Customer is oxygen for business. More customer means higher sales and thus better financial health. To remain in business – manufacturers have no option but to seek out more customers in larger markets. Effective distribution strategy enables a business to…

How To Start Distribution Business With Limited Capital

Every week, I receive many mails and tel calls from enterprising youth, experienced businessmen, retired professionals with vast domain knowledge – inquiring how to enter distribution trade. They are enthusiastic entrepreneurs – want to start a new business or expand…

How To Find Overseas Channel Partner

In every country or market – whether developed, emerging or underdeveloped – consumer products eventually go through some form of distribution process. The distribution chain involves movement of goods from factory gate or shipping yard to consumers’ doorstep. Success in…

How Email Tracking Can Lead To Business Success

Emails carry important information – but we lose control over them as soon as sent. What if emails had WhatsApp like ticker symbols ?  Ideally, we should be able to find if an email has reached destination, whether it has…

How To Plan Distrbutor Search – A Short Guide

Manufacturers do not sell directly to consumers – they need distribution channels to reach markets. Wider the reach of distribution – larger is the customer base and resultant sales. No wonder, distribution is considered backbone of any market. However, building…