Embrace Omnichannel To Grow – Get Free Help From Vanik

Grow sales through omnichannel - blend of b2c and b2b

Let’s face it – Indian Small And Medium Enterprises (SME) are struggling to grow. The vast majority of SMEs are unable to realize their full potential. A staggering 99.3% of SMEs have annual sales below Rs. 5 crore. Out of 63 million SMEs, only about 5000 have crossed the Rs. 50 crore mark in annual sales. This stark reality means that 9 out of every 10 SMEs will never grow beyond their current size, often remaining small and eventually closing down.

Why Are SMEs Struggling?

Before diving into potential solutions, it’s important to understand the market opportunities and challenges faced by SMEs. India’s market is dominated by about 3000 well-known FMCG brands, mainly from large companies. These brands cater to only 20% of households, mostly affluent families in urban areas. The remaining 80% of household demand is met by around 30,000 lesser-known brands, many of which don’t appear in mainstream media advertisements. These so-called “unbranded” products have a vast customer base, particularly in rural areas.

Market Opportunity for SMEs

Interestingly, a recent survey shows that in the FMCG sector, unbranded products are experiencing volume growth between 7% and 16%, while branded products are seeing declines of 2% to 11%. This indicates a significant market opportunity for SMEs to grow. However, the main barrier to this growth is the lack of market access. Many SMEs struggle to expand beyond their local markets and reach customers across India due to inadequate distribution channels.

The Challenge of Building Distribution Channels

Building a robust B2B distribution channel in India is a daunting task. It’s time-consuming, expensive, and typically only large companies with substantial resources have been able to establish pan-India distribution networks. For SMEs, this process seems nearly impossible due to limited financial and logistical resources.

A New Solution: Technology and Distribution Expertise

Despite these challenges, there is hope for SMEs to expand their reach and grow their sales. By leveraging technology and distribution expertise, SMEs can build effective B2B channels. Vanik.com, India’s largest B2B platform for distribution trade, offers a promising solution. Vanik combines verified leads with a sales funnel on a SAAS platform, enabling SMEs to build B2B channels quickly and affordably.

How Vanik Helps SMEs

Vanik.com has proven that it is possible to build distribution channels in India efficiently. Here’s how:

  • Verified Leads: Vanik provides a database of verified distributors, wholesalers, retailers, supermarkets, and overseas buyers. This ensures that SMEs are connecting with credible and reliable partners.
  • Sales Funnel on SAAS: The platform uses a streamlined sales funnel to manage and convert leads effectively, reducing the time and cost associated with traditional methods.
  • Case Studies and Success Stories: Several SMEs have successfully used Vanik to build their distribution networks across India. These case studies provide real-world examples of how the platform can drive growth.

Case Study 1: A Small Home Appliance Manufacturer

Challenge: A small home appliance manufacturer in Mumbai struggled to expand beyond their local market. Despite having a high-quality product line, they faced significant challenges in building a distribution network across India.

Solution: They partnered with Vanik.com to identify and connect with verified distributors and wholesalers in target regions. Vanik’s platform provided detailed information on potential partners, including their market reach and investment capacity.

Result: Within six months, the manufacturer established a robust distribution network across major cities in India. Their sales increased by 150%, and they expanded their product line to meet the growing demand.

Case Study 2: An Organic Food Brand

Challenge: An organic food brand based in Bangalore wanted to reach customers in rural areas, where there was a high demand for organic products. However, they lacked the resources to establish a distribution network in these regions.

Solution: Using Vanik.com, they accessed a database of verified distributors with a strong presence in rural markets. Vanik’s sales funnel helped them manage leads and streamline the process of establishing distribution agreements.

Result: The brand successfully entered the rural market, achieving a 200% increase in sales within a year. They now have a steady presence in over 500 villages across India.

The Importance of Omnichannel Strategies

While online sales account for less than 7% of the Indian retail market, the majority of sales occur through General Trade (GT) and Modern Trade (MT). To maximize growth, SMEs need to adopt an omnichannel approach that combines both B2C and B2B strategies, integrating online and offline sales channels.

By blending these approaches, SMEs can:

  • Expand Their Customer Base: Reach more customers by leveraging both online and offline channels.
  • Enhance Customer Experience: Provide a seamless shopping experience across multiple platforms, increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Boost Sales: Tap into different markets and sales channels, driving higher sales volumes.

Case Study 3: A Fashion Accessories Brand

Challenge: A fashion accessories brand in Delhi wanted to increase their market reach by blending B2C and B2B strategies. They had an online presence but struggled to penetrate offline markets.

Solution: They used Vanik.com to find and connect with verified retailers and wholesalers who could stock their products. By combining online sales with physical distribution, they created an omnichannel presence.

Result: Their sales doubled within a year, and they established a strong presence in both online and offline markets. Customers appreciated the convenience of purchasing through multiple channels, leading to increased brand loyalty.

Free Access to Premium Services

To support SMEs in their growth journey, Vanik is offering free access to its premium content for 30 days. This premium content includes verified leads and detailed information about potential distribution partners. By taking advantage of this offer, SMEs can establish a foothold in their target markets and begin their journey towards pan-India expansion.

You also get access to specially developed resources such as – explanatory videos on how to build distribution channels, model distribution agreements, business letter formats, commercial creation utility, distribution quiz, blog etc.


Indian SMEs face significant challenges in scaling their businesses, primarily due to limited market access and distribution channels. However, with the right blend of technology and distribution expertise, these hurdles can be overcome. Vanik.com offers a valuable platform for SMEs to build robust B2B channels, enabling them to reach new markets and grow their sales.

Embracing an omnichannel strategy that integrates both online and offline sales channels is crucial for maximizing growth potential. By leveraging the free access to Vanik’s premium services, SMEs can take the first step towards expanding their reach and achieving long-term success.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity—register free today at Vanik and start building your distribution network!