Description : We are very keen into establishing business in the Pharma products and are currently looking for reputable manufacturers. Pls send the detail
I have been dealing with medicines and pharmaceuticals from the last 5 years.I am interested in taking Distributorship of some more Pharmaceutical com
Available-Distributor Of Medicines
I have been working as c and f agent of ITC products for the last 8 years and my annual turnover is around 5-10 crores.Now I am willing to diversify m
Available Franchisee for Pharmaceutical Products
I am interested to work with your concernPlease give us the opportunity to serve you as your franchiseeThanking you
Available-C&F Agent For Pharmaceuticals In New Delhi
I worked for a reputable pharmaceutical company for over 29 years and am now looking for opportunities to establish my own venture. I have storage spa
Available-C and F Agent of Consumer Products, Electronic, Pharmaceutical etc in Nagpur, Maharashtra
We are into business since last 20 years. We have distributorship of various companies across India. Now we are looking to work as a C and F Agent of
Available-Superstockist/ C & F Agent Of FMCG Products, Pharmacy Products, Medicines In Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
For more than 20 years we have been working as Superstokcist/ C & F Agent of FMCG products in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. We have also recently started di
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