Description : Sir I want to become franchisee Please sand the product, mrp and net price of the all product also please send the all formality for franchisee
Available-Superstockist of Pharmaceuticals in Madurai, Tamil Nadu
I am a Pharmacist and my company is running company running in Sattur. Now we are planning to work as a Superstockist of Pharmaceuticals. We are ready
Available-Agent for Medical Products
We are seeking agency of medical products in Siliguri. Investment can be done Rs.2 lakhs. Please contact us for further discussions.
Available Franchisee for Pharmaceutical/Surgical Products
We are a medical store, we want franchisee for pharma and surgical products. Manufactures may please get in touch with me via e-mail, with all the d
Available-C&F Agent / Super Stockist For FMCG, Pharmaceuticals, Sports Foot Wear, Hardware, Electronics & Machinery In Kanpur Nagar
We have almost 25 years of experience as a super stockist & C&F agent for many brands in India. Have a team of 8 sales staff & serving more than 250 r
Available-Super Stockist For Medical Supplies, Including Ayurvedic Medicines & Nutraceuticals In Bangalore South
We've been involved with the pharma industry for 35 years, and over the past five years, we've focused on being a C&F agency and super stockist for ph
Available-Distributor of Medicines in Parwanoo, Himachal Pradesh
We are manufacturers for 3 years now and are looking to venture into distributorship of Medicines in Parwanoo, Himachal Pradesh with a minimum investm
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