Available-C&F Agent For Pharmaceuticals In Kolkata
I've been in business for the past five years, conducting my own pharmaceutical distribution and wholesale venture. Now looking for new growth opportu
Available Agent/Distributor for Pharmaceutical Products
We are working for Pune district in Maharashtra Want to contact pharmaceutical manufacturersPlease send your product list with rates,
Available Agent/Distributor for Pharmaceutical Products
Dear Sir, I am interested to do business with your company please send your terms and conditions, And product list price list on my address belo
Available-Distributor for Pharmaceutical Products
I want distributorship for pharmaceutical products for entire Gujarat and have 12 years of experience in same field. We have office and godown. Invest
Available-C&F Agent/ Distributor of FMCG and Medicines in Zirakpur, Punjab
We are working as c&f agent of medicines for the past 50 years making an annual turnover of 40-50 lakhs. We are planning to take C&F Agency/ Distribut
Available-Super Stockist For Pharma Products In Kolkata.
We have been a distributor & super stockist of pharma products for the last few years in Kolkata. We have a team of 4 sales staff & serving around 100
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