Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers Of Beverages And Health Drinks ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution of beverages across India. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com to receive distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
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I am a job professional looking to start my business in Distributorship of Food And Beverages.Ready to invest an amount of Rs.5 lakhs.I have a good office area and godown space.
I am working as an Accounts Manager in a company in Tamil Nadu and now i want to start my own business in the field of Distribution in my hometown of Samastipur, Bihar .I want Agency / Distribution of Beverages: Soft Drinks, H
We have been running a big retail shop for Food and Beverages since 2003 and an Auto spares distribution business since 2014 in our area Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh , but now we want to expand our activities and become super stockist .
We are wholesale distributor of tiles and granites for the last 12 years.We do have a distribution company for FMCG Products and Coca Cola too.We deal with one of the most popular beverages company in kochin.We are looking for s
I am an individual based in Pune, Maharashtra and i want to start my own business in the field of distribution, I have experience of business as i had a business in my hometown Busawal .I want Agency / Distributorship in the f
I am basically from Bangalore, Karnataka and recently i want to enter in the business of C and F Agency in my region .I Want C and F agency for Cosmetics and Beverages , i have a ready setup of an office and a spacious godown
We are a new firm based in Ernakulam, Kerala with a modern trade experience of 17 years in FMCG and now we want to become Agent / Distributor in my region .We want Agency / Distributorship of Soft Drinks, Water, Juices, Health
I am a businessman in Hoshiarpur,Punjab.I am looking to have a Distributorship of Food and Beverages.I can invest Rs.10-20 lakhs.I have godown and office space.
I am a businessman in Darbhanga,Bihar dealing with distributorship of Dairy Products and Confectionery.I am interested to have a Distributorship of Food and Beverages.I can invest an amount of Rs.50000-5 lakhs.I have a godown spac
I am from Jammu and Kashmir and want to start my own company regarding which i would like Agency / Distributorship of Beverages - Soft Drinks, Water, Health Drinks in my region I have an office and a godown and an investment