Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers Of Beverages And Health Drinks ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution of beverages across India. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com to receive distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
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We are starting a Distribution Agency of Food, Beverages, FMCG Products. We have 200 sq.ft. space, man power and initially we can invest 50k-1 lakhs. Please contact us for long term business, if you can provide sales support.
We are dealing in Coca cola distribution and making an annual turnover of 1 crore. We are looking for a large expansion in terms of business. We would like to work as a DIstributor of Food and Beverages or any new line. We can in
We are dealing in Food and Beverages for the last two years. In order to expand our business we are looking to add more products as Superstockist of FMCG Products. Currently, we have 3200 sq.ft. godown, 4 staffs which can be incre
We are in distribution for the last 12 years with an annual turnover of 2-5 crores and looking for company in Indore. We are interested in Food and Beverages. We have a cold room, vehicles, staffs and all basic infrastructure. We
We have recently started our business and ready to take C and F Agency of Food and Beverages. We have space for warehouse/godown and transportation can be arranged. If requires we can also invest above 20 lakhs. Please do contact
We have started our agency 5 months ago and working as a wholesaler, super stockist. We want to add more products like Food and Beverage, Packed Dehydrated Fruits and Vegetable, Milk Shakes etc. We have 900 sq.ft. godown with sta
I have more than 10 years of experience in the Beverages sector. Presently, I am looking to take distributorship of Beverages and ready to invest up to 10 lakhs. I have 550 sq.ft. godown and staffs can be arranged as per the requi
We are dealing in Food and Beverages for the last 2 years and making an annual turnover of 25-40 lakhs. In order to expand our business, we would like to take Distributorship of Food and Beverages. We have 1700 sq.ft. godown along
We are interested in Distributorship of Food, Beverages, Paper Products business in Thrissur, Kerala. We can invest up to 2 lakhs. We have godown space, transportation facility and staff members. Interested manufacturers, please c
We have 8-10 years of experience in distribution line and presently, we are working as a distributor of Real Juice. We are looking to add more products so we need Distributorship of Food and Beverages. we have 1800 sq.ft. godown,