Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers Of Beverages And Health Drinks ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution of beverages across India. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com to receive distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
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Hello! We are the distributors from the last 7-8 months with a monthly turnover of 1.5 lacs. In order to increase our sales, we want to take distributorship of snacks and beverages. We own a godown of 500 sq.ft. area and also the
We are dealing with snacks, beverages and food product having an experience of 5 years. Our company's annual turnover is above 1 crore. Currently, we are interested in being a Distributor/Franchisee of Snacks, Beverages, and D
I am an accountant looking to start my own distribution agency. I am looking to get Distributorship of Cigarette and Beverages. I own a godown area of 600 sq.ft. and my investment will be 2-5 lakhs. Interested companies please cal
We have been dealing in FMCG product for the last 2.5 years making an annual turnover of 2.4 crores approximately. We are looking forward to diversifying our business and work as Super Stockist of FMCG Products like Dairy, biscuit
Hi There! I am a fresher and I want to start my own business in distributorship field. I want to take distributorship of snacks and beverages in order to make huge profits.I own a godown of 150 sq.ft. area and investment will be a
We are online service provider like making certificates, UID etc. and our annual turnover is lakhs. Now, we are looking forward to starting a Distribution Agency of Snacks and Beverages. We have 500 sq.ft. godown area and our inve
Hi, We are one of the leading distributors of noodles and various food products in the whole Tamil Nadu with an annual turnover of 50 lacs from the last 3 years.In order to increase sales, we want to take distributorship of Snacks
We have recently started a new business firm. We are interested in working as a Super Stockist of Beverages, Household, and Pharma Products. We own godown area at three places in Chennai having the area of 2000,1000, 3000 sq.ft. a
Presently, we are the distributors of edible oils and other consumers goods with a monthly turnover of 24-25 lacs.We are in this line for about 2 years.In order to increase our sales, we want to become the super stockist of Electr
Hi there! we are presently working as a distributor of inner wear or garments for both men and women.In order to diversify our business, We want to take distributorship of Beverages.We have an office, a godown and salesforce.We wi