Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers Of Beverages And Health Drinks ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution of beverages across India. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com to receive distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
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We've been exporting spices for a year. We don't have any company infrastructure here yet because we were doing business in Australia and Canada, but we will soon. We have accommodation, a crew of two capable professionals, and ac
We used to be a wooden furniture manufacturer and timber depot, but we're now looking for new opportunities to work as a distributor and super stockist of FMCG products such processed foods and beverages. We have a warehouse, and
We're a Thane-based food and beverage superstore. We have 5 years of market experience and have recently launched our own FMCG business. We have a warehouse, a staff of three very efficient workers, and access to transportation. T
I used to work in customer service and have experience in sales and marketing. I've also worked as a trading merchant and now want to start my own FMCG product distribution company. We have a 500-square-foot warehouse, a crew of t
We are a Punjab-based super stockist of FMCG, tobacco, safety matches, and beverages, and we have been in the sugar wholesale industry for over 80 years. We've worked with a number of large organisations, including ITC Pvt Ltd. We
We've been a distributor of FMCG items in Siliguri for the past 6 years, and we're also experts in brand promotion. We have a warehouse, a staff of amazing three productive workers, and the convenience of working with continuous c
We're a Khandeshwar-based distributor of household cleaning products like hand soap, floor cleaners, and beverages with over 25 years of experience and over 100 retailers across Karnataka, Maharashtra, and parts of Northern India.
We've been operating as a franchise for the past 5 years and now wish to expand our business by distributing FMCG products such as processed and packaged foods, beverages, and other related items. We are headquartered in Kandivali
I've been working as a food and beverage distributor for the past half-decade. We're situated in Bihar and serve over 50 shops in the state. We have a warehouse, a sales team of four, and the ability to cooperate with transportati
For over a decade, we have been a Bhopal-based distributor of FMCG products such as processed foods and ready-to-cook culinary items. Both the retail and food service industries are served by us. For an effective and dependable di