Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers In Delhi ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution, wholesale Carry Forward And Agency across Delhi. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com in search of new distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
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Hii there! Presently I am working as a distributor of citric acid & Himalaya products and gaining a turnover of 1 crore per year. About 15-16 years ago, I have started working as a distributor and Now, I want to take Distributorsh
I am willing to start a distribution agency in New Delhi. So I am looking to get Distributorship of Edible Oil, Spices, and Snacks. I can arrange godown and shop. I am flexible in terms of investment. Please contact us for busines
Hi, We are looking for some business opportunity in Delhi. So we are interested in taking Distributorship of Books, Stationery, Paper and Paper Products. We own two offices in the prime location having area 300 and 1000 sq.ft. and
I own a grocery shop having an experience of 10 years and my annual turnover is around 70-80 lakhs. In order to expand my business, I am interested in taking Distributorship of Soaps, Detergent, and Daily Use Products. I have a sh
We are a distributor of beverages and hotel products like snacks, cosmetics etc. We have 4 years of experience in this line and our annual turnover is 6 crores approximately. At moment we are looking to take more Distributorship o
Presently I am working as a seller of drugs and pharmaceutical products. I am willing to work as a Distributor of Tobacco Products. I own a godown area of 1300 sq.ft. approx and initially I am ready to invest 2 lakhs for new busin
We aim to become one of the world's most successful distributors of domestic, international and own-brand paints. Our company's annual turnover is 4 crore approximately.You can visit our website for more detail.At
I am trader of lab chemicals for the last 5 years and making an annual turnover of 25 lakhs approximately.Currently I am willing to extend my business and ready to work as Distributor of Consumer Goods. My initial investment wi
I am into real estate business from last 25 years with good annual sales. I am planning to invest in C And F business for my newly started firm. I am ready to begin with C And F Agent For Pharmaceutical Companies. Investment is
Our organization which was formed to quench the rising need of integrated distribution solutions in ever expanding cities.You can also go to our website for more detail.We have an experience of over 30 years of providing organiz