Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers In Delhi ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution, wholesale Carry Forward And Agency across Delhi. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com in search of new distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
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I am looking for the agency of garments in Delhi. Investment depends upon product and brand. Interested companies can mail us their product catalog and terms and conditions.
we r delhi based nutraceutical company offering wide range of health supplement for all over india with all latest molecules like colostrum,omega 369, trypsin bromelain rutoside,lycopene ,probiotics kindly visit us at www.ddnutriu
We have 2 years of experience in hosiery products and now want to be agent for the same. Investment and sales depends upon product and brand. Kindly send us pictures of your products and price.
Dear Sir / Mam,We are very much thankful to your valuable enquiry for franchisee business of D.D. NUTRITIONS (INDIA) in your areas. We introduce our self as one of the leading Nutraceutical Company having great range of products
We are trader of cosmetics and health care products from last 3 years. Now interested to be distributor for pepper spray in Delhi. Investment and sales depends upon brand and ROI. Please send us complete details about your company
We are currently in tyre wholesale business. dealing with chain of wholesalers and retailers all over India. Now want to be C and f agent for tyres. Investment can be done up to Rs.50 lakhs. Please contact us with your product lis
We are having distributorship of many food product in Jaipur, Delhi, Meerut etc from last 25 years and want to be distributor for food product in Delhi. Have sales network, godown, office, delivery vehicles and manpower. Investmen
I have about 5 years experience rice and pulses, now want to be distributor for the same. Have all the infrastructural facilities. Prepared to invest up to Rs.5 lakhs. Kindly quote us your product price and samples.
I want to become distributor for electronics and electrical products. Ready to invest Rs.2 lakhs and can assure good amount of sales volume. Please contact along with your offer and products details.
We are established and growing company having C and F agency of various reputed FMCG and cosmetic products with vast handling experience. Now we want to take C and F agency of new products. Have all the necessary infrastructural f