Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers Of Electrical products ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution of electrical products across India. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com to receive distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
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We are dealing in electrical products for the last 1 year and making a good turnover. In order to expand our business, we need Distributorship of Electrical Goods and Accessories. We are active in three cities and have proper infr
We are running our company for the last 3 years, we are dealing with Ventilation Fans being used in HVAC field as Distributor for the Reputed multinational company. Our annual turnover is 1-2.5 crores. In order diversify our busin
I am looking to start a Distribution Agency of Food, Beverages, Pumps, and Motors. We own 2600 sq.ft. godown space. We can invest 2-3 lakhs initially, any company interested in long-term business can contact us directly. Thanks in
We are looking to venture into distributorship of Electrical and Mechanical Products. We have an experience of 10 years in our previous business wherein our turnover was about 80 lakhs yearly. Our investment will be about 10 lakhs
We are wholesalers and stockists of Medicines for the past 15 years and C&F agent for the past 3 years. At Present we want to serve any company by working as a C&F Agent/Distributor of FMCG Food product, Electronics and Healthcare
Our company is dealing with It products for the past 20 years and our annual turnover is around 12 crore. In order to expand our business, we need to take Distributorship of Electronic Products and Medical/Surgical Instrument. We
Ours is a 25 years old company dealing in tires and making an annual turnover of 60-70 lakhs. Currently, we are looking for expansion of our business and take Distributor of Electronic and Automobile Spare Parts. We own two godown
We are looking to set up a Distributor of Automobile Spare Parts in Vasai, Maharashtra. We are ready to arrange required infrastructure and initially, we would like to work on a credit basis. If you are interested in doing busines
We are venturing into the distribution of branded Electrical products and Automobiles Components and we are also open to other products as well. We have an investment of around 10-15 lakhs with a storage space of 300 sq.ft. and st
We are looking to expand as Super Stockists of FMCG Products, Electronic Products and Automobile Products. Our invest is around 20-30 lakhs and our yearly turnover is around 1 crore. We have a godown of 2000 sq.ft. and a staff str