Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers Of Electrical products ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution of electrical products across India. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com to receive distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
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I own a retail shop having more than 5 years of experience in this line. I am willing to expand my business and want to work as Distributor of Gifts, Mobiles, and Electronic Items. I own 5 shops and initially I can invest up to 50
We are dealing in kids garments and other business, having an experience of 4 years. Our annual turnover is more than 20-30 lakhs. At the moment we are interested in working as Distributor of Garments, Stationery, and Electrical I
We are an owner of marketing complex making a good turnover. We want to expand our business by associating with good companies. So we need C and F Agency of Electrical Products, Paints, Buildings and Construction Materials. We ha
Currently, we are working as a dealer for Samsung and making an annual turnover of 50-55 lakhs. In order to diversify our business, we are interested in working as a Distributor of Electronic Items. We own an office area of 1300 s
We are working as the agent, now we want to start a business agency. We are willing to work as Distributor of Electrical and Stationery Items. We have godown and shop area. We are ready to invest up to 2 lakhs at starting. Please
We are a dealer of computer related product for the last 9 years and making an annual turnover of around 20 crores. We are willing to expand our business so we need Distributorship of CCTV, Computer Hardware, and Networking Produc
We are in granite business making an annual turnover of 50 lakhs having more than 10-15 years of experience in business line. We are looking to work as Distributor of Electrical and Food Products. We own 2000 sq.ft. space and 4 st
We are selling software for last five years making a good annual turnover. At the moment we want to work as C and F Agent of Software and Industrial Products. We can not provide infrastructure or invest any amount at starting. If
Ours is a leading independent distributor of data center and Networking products, and a valuable complement to conventional distribution options. Please visit our website for more detail.We are interested in working as Distribut
We are travel agent active since 2011 and making an annual turnover of 90-95 lakhs. In order to diversify our business, we want to take Distributorship of Computer Related Products. In infrastructure, we have 800-900 sq.ft. godown