Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers Of Electrical products ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution of electrical products across India. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com to receive distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
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I am working as a distributor of medical product and electronics service provider having an experience of 1 year. Now I am interested in being a Distributor of Electrical, Food, and Medical Products. I own an office and I will inv
I am professional from Mumbai. I am looking forward to business opportunities. So, I am ready to be your Distributor for Food and Electrical Products. I have 200 sq.ft. area for business purpose. Initially, I will invest up to 600
We have engaged with IT services since 2010. Also, we have service center of the photocopy machine. At moment we are willing to get Distributorship of Electrical Products. We have resources like service center area of 50x10 sq.ft.
We are a trader from Kerala dealing in shoes, LED, Sandals, CCTV etc. We have 4 years of experience and our turnover is 60-90 lakhs per year. Now we are looking for Distributorship of Electronic Products And Disposable Carry Bags.
We are in construction and electrical business, our annual turnover is 1 crore approximately. Now we are planning to expand our business and looking for Distributorship of Electrical and Electronic Items. We have storing space of
We are a trader of electrical items like inverters, batteries etc. We also provide maintenance service and our annual turnover is around 50 lakhs. In order to expand our business, We are willing to get Distributorship of Batteries
I am working as a distributor of FMCG products for the last 8-10 years engaged with brands like kurkure etc. My annual turnover is around 1-2 crores. Now I am looking forward to working as a Distributor of Electronic Items also. I
We have more than 40 years of experience in business and presently we are working as a c and f agent for pharmaceutical companies. Our company's annual turnover is above 20 crores. In order to expand our business, we are inter
I have been running my business for the last 7-8 years and my annual turnover is around 1 crore. In order to expand my business, I am searching Distributorship of Electronics and Electrical Appliances. I have a godown area of 9000
We are a trader from Gujrat, dealing in electrical and electronic products. We have an experience of 18 years in business and our company's annual turnover is more than 50 lakhs. At moment we are interested in working as a Sup