Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers Of Electrical products ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution of electrical products across India. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com to receive distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
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We are in textile business having and experience of 3 years. Our company's turnover is around 3 crores annually. In order to expand our business further, we are interested in being a Super Stockist of Smartphones. We have a la
I am dealing as a distributor of auto parts and my annual turnover is around 15 lakhs. I have an experience of 5 years in business and now I am looking to get Distributorship of Auto Parts. I have godown area, staffs and other fac
I am a retailer having an experience of 25 years and my annual turnover is around 4 lakhs. I am willing to increase my sales, so I am interested in getting Distributorship of Cosmetics, Jewelry Imitation, Electricals, Electronics,
Presently we are in water treatment business, our annual turnover is around 5-7 lakhs and we have 4-5 years of experience. We are looking to get Distributorship of Cosmetics, Food, and Electronics Products. We own an area of 1000
I have been working as a distributor of electrical products for the last 1 year and my annual turnover is around 15 lakhs. Further, I am looking to expand my business and want to get Distributorship of Electronic And Electrical Pr
We have been working as a distributor electronic items in entire Kerala for the last 8 years and our annual turnover is around 1 crore. Now we want to diversify our business by getting Distributorship of UPS, Hard Disk, CCTV and P
We are an LLP Company, based in Bangalore started 1 year ago with a turnover of around 1.5 Crore into Telecommunications. Currently, we are looking expand our business by getting Distributorship of Electronic, Telecommunication An
I am an individual working professional, I have a good background in sales and marketing of various products while working with different companies.I am now ready for starting my own Distribution Business OF Solar Products and i
We are working as c and f agent of electronic products having an experience of 10 years and our company's annual turnover is around 1 crore. Currently we are working for three companies and interested in getting more C and F /
I am a working professional and I am planning to switch myself as a businessman. I am ready for being a Distributor For FMCG, Electronics And Electrical Products. I am flexible with investment and i have a huge warehouse for stora