Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers Of Electrical products ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution of electrical products across India. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com to receive distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
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I am running an electrical shop, want to start a new business. I want to become distributor for electric motors. I can manage the products in my shop and my investment would be around Rs. 5-10 Lakhs. Please contact me for distribu
We are CNF agent presently dealing in electronic products like, AC, Water Heater, etc. We have 10 years of experience as CNF agent for FMCG, Automotive Batteries and many other products. We want to add more products to our profile
We are a group of mechanical engineers having 20 years of rich experience in various industries. We want to start our own business as distributor for automobile parts. We are interested in a company which can provide us genuine an
We are from Zambia. We want to become agent for all the refrigeration equipment used in industry or home. We want to be the agent for Zambian market.If you are willing to appoint agents for your products, please contact us.
We are willing to start our own business. We want to become distributor for LED lights. Have a large space and godown of 500 sq ft. Initially we are ready to invest Rs. 45,000- 60,000. Interested company can contact us.
I am willing to start a new business. I want to become distributor for A4 copy paper. I am ready to invest Rs. 5 Lakhs and also have a good space to manage the stock. Please contact me if interested.
I want to start my own profitable business in Bengaluru, Karnataka. I want to become distributor for electrical products like fan, cooler, LED, etc. I can manage the stock at my home and have a good sales team. I am ready to inves
We are a US based company working in international trading and looking to be agent for cooking oil to export (sunflower-soybean-corn oil) in the below mentioned quantity. Sunflower 2000 mt/month Soybean 7000 mt/month Cor
I am having a good experience in industry. Want to become super- stockist for electrical products. Have a very good space to maintain the stock and also have a good sales team. I can invest upto 10 Lakhs and investment can be incr
We are the service provider of various electrical products for 3 years. Now we want to become distributor for electrical products like electrical generator, electrical motors, cooling fans, etc. We can initially invest Rs. 5 Lakh