Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers Of Electrical products ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution of electrical products across India. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com to receive distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
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Having 10 years of experience as electrical trader, want to expand our business. We want to become distributor for LED products. Have shop and godown and ready to invest Rs. 1 Lakh. Interested company can contact us.
Having good experience as distributor for electrical appliances. Want to add more products in our distribution profile. We want to become distributor for electrical home appliances. Having good infrastructure and ready to invest R
Want to start our new business. We want to become distributor for electronics products like CFL, bulbs, etc. and batteries. Have good infrastructure and ready to invest Rs. 20 Lakhs. Interested companies can contact us.
I am beginner, interested in distribution of telecommunication products like antenna hardware computer hardware Mobile phone. I can invest upto 10 lakks and can arrange all the infrastructure. Please send details.
Having 12 years of experience in distribution field. Now want to grow business with distributorship of electronic and electrical products like CFL, LED, fan, television etc. Have godown, office and good man power. Interested compa
We are the manufacturer of Tennis Balls since 35 years. Now wanted to become C&F agent for LED products in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Have godown, office, good sales network and man power. Ready to invest Rs. 30 Lakhs. Interested company
We are the manufacturer and exporter of health drinks from India since 2012. we are looking for casher powder that is defatted and when mixed with water, makes cashew butter. This is an urgent requirement. Once we get relevent sup
We are distributors of Auto parts in California having 10 years experience in this field. Want to add more products in our distribution profile. We would like to introduce your product line if you don't already have a distributor
I need a franchisee /super stockiest of good company. we are interested in consumer/industrial any good company products. We have 20 years experience. We are into jute and makhana trading. We are franchisee of TVS, having office
Hi, I am interested to take agency for Electrical Goods, Electrical house holding goods, electric cables, LED Lights etc. Interested Companies, please send details. I am new in this business. I have office, staff and own vehicle.