Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers Of Electrical products ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution of electrical products across India. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com to receive distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
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Presently, i am working as a system analyst. I want to become agent for computer components and hardware/software. Ready to invest Rs.1 lakh and expected sales would be around Rs.25 thousand per month. Please send us catalogs alon
I have 9 years of professional experience in IT organisation, now want to take franchise of computer and telecommunication products in Bhubaneswar. I am having shop, godown etc. Investment can be made up to Rs.2 lakhs. Please cont
I am retailer of mobile and mobile products in Badlapur, now I am looking for distributorship for the same. Investment would be decided in meeting with you. Kindly contact me with product offerings and price.
We are into the business of batteries in Jabalpur, now want to take agency of automobile spare parts and accessories. We have office, showroom, warehouse, sales team etc. Ready to invest requisite amount depends upon the product a
I want to start automobile spare parts retail business in Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu. I am seeking for dealership of automotive parts and components, automotive suspension, shock absorbers etc. I can able to invest 50 lakhs for this b
I have 10 years as marketing executive and area sales manager in Mumbai. I want to become PCD for electrical products. Have office and sales team. Please send me your product catalog and price list.
We are having distributorship of electronic appliances in Gaya since 10 years. We want to diversify our business and take new distributorship of electronic company. We have all the infrastructural facilities like 3 shops, godown,
Primarily working from Bangalore, our aim is to enter the global dealer, distributor, representative, tie-Ups, suppliers of choice to the biggest. We have the privilege to have knowledge and experience to understand clients from a
I am from Gujarat interested in distributorship of computer software/ hardware, peripherals, computer assembly etc. Having knowledge of electronics/electrical component working, computer peripheral and assembly. Prepared to invest
We are the retailer of home appliances like Cfl, fans etc in Banswada from last 1 year, now want to become distributor for the same. Ready to invest Rs.2 lakhs and assures good sales volume. Kindly send us your catalog and price q