Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers Of Electrical products ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution of electrical products across India. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com to receive distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
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Hello, I am from Hyderabad, Telangana looking for a startup. I would like to work as a Distributor of Electrical and Electronic Products. I have a godown along and staffs can be arranged as per the requirement. I am ready to inves
Our business was started in 2017 and we have 2 years of experience as c and f agent. We would like to expand our business and more products like FMCG, Electrical, etc. We have large godown along with 4-5 staff members and transpor
We are an automobile trading company with over 5 years of experience in the business line. We are ready to work as a C and F Agent of Automobile Parts, Industrial Products, FMCG, Electrical Products etc. We have 10000 sq.ft. godow
Ours is a startup looking to work as a Distributor of FMCG and IT Products. We have 600 sq.ft. godown space and office area of 250 sq.ft. along with staff members. We can invest in 2-5 lakhs for good products. Please contact us fo
We are a distributor of ice cream, D2H & sanitary pad for the last 7 years. We want to add more products like FMCG Products, Stationery Products, Baby Diaper & LED Light Products etc. We have 1000 sq.ft. godown along with 5 staffs
We are presently distributor for school bell and public announcement system and looking for a good project to pitch into the Rajasthan market through the channel of distribution. We have more than 8 years experience in this line.
We are a start up company looking for distributorship in various sectors like Electric Vehicles, E Ricksaw, Automobile Spare Parts, Industrial products. We are capable to arrange the required infrastructure as per the demand. Our
We are a leading figure in the electronics industry. We specialize in the distribution of consumer and professional electronics such as cameras, camcorders, mobile devices, headphones, binoculars and more. We are a part of a wide
We are currently, dealing with a Pharmaceutical Company, Steel Trading, Air Conditioning Systems Spare Parts, and having 5 years of experience in these fields. We would like to work as a C and F Agent of Drugs, Pharmaceuticals, FM
We have 6 years of experience in the business line. At the moment we want to expand our business and work as a C and F Agent of Consumer Goods. In infrastructure, we have 3 godowns of 5000 sq.ft., manpower, and transportation faci