Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers Of Electrical products ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution of electrical products across India. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com to receive distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
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We are running our own marketing company. We are looking for opportunities to work as a Distributor of Grocery, Electrical Products. We have 1800 sq.ft. godown and ready to invest 5-10 lakhs for good products. Manufacturers willin
We are well-established carry and forwarding agent for clients like Cargill India Ltd, Dabur, Cadbury, Okaya Batteries, UPL, Policab Wire, Amara Raja Batteries, Bunge and many more, we are providing our services at PAN India to ou
We have 5 years of experience in business and line and making 10-20 lakhs turnover. We are ready to take Distributorship of Mobile Accessories and Electrical Products. We have 2000 sq.ft. godown, staff members. Initially, we can i
Hello, I good domain knowledge of Electrical and Electronics products. At the moment I am seeking the opportunity to Distribute Electrical, Electronic or Construction related products in South Tamilnadu. I am capable to invest Rs.
We are dealing in food products for the last 3 years. At present we are ready to take Distributorship of Confectionery and Electrical Products. We have overall 5-10 years of marketing experience, 5 salespeople, godown etc. We will
I am starting my new company after spending 16 years in Sales and Distribution function in Industry like FMCG and Telecom with a company like Nestle, Video cone Idea, Tata etc. I have all the required license and open to FMCG, Tel
We are working as a Distributor of FMCG Products for the last 25 years. In order to expand our business, we are ready to take Distributorship of more FMCG Products. We have 2500 sq.ft. godown, staff members. Our investment will de
We are serving as distributors of branded electrical distribution of small Electrical and non electrical home appliances in mumbai city from last 26 years. Previously we were the distributors of Bajaj Home Appliances, Prestige App
We are into telecommunication business partnered with Idea & Vodafone. At the moment we are looking to work as a Distributor of any Innovative Products related to Electrical, FMCG etc. We have 300 sq.ft godown and ready to invest
We are presently distributor for school bell and public announcement system and looking for a good project to pitch into the Rajasthan market through the channel distribution for the last 8 years. Now we are expanding our business