Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers Of Food And Beverages ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution of food and beverages across India. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com to receive distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
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I am dealing in jewellery business from the last 10 years.Now, I am looking for business diversification.So, I am looking to get into C and F Agency business of FMCG, Pharmaceuticals and Surgicals. I am ready to invest an amount
I have been working in the field of electrical and electronic appliances as a retailer and wholesaler for the past 5 years.Now, I am looking for more business opportunities as a Distributor of Automobile Spare Parts,Lubricants, G
We are manufacturers of blended spices like garam masala, sambhar masala, chicken masala etc. We also manufacture whole ground spices like turmeric powder,chilly powder and coriander powder.I have 8 months experience in the market
I am working as a distributor of FMCG products and many others since 1991 , also I have an experience of working as a c and f agent for Parle since 2003.Now, I am searching for more opportunities in C and F Agency business of
I am dealing with FMCG Products and garments from the past 10 years as a stockist.Our company is making an annual turnover of Rs.1 crore and above.Now, I am looking to get into C and F Agency business with good and reputed compa
We are well established marketing & sales company with in depth knowledge of marketing, sales & distribution from the past 15 years. Also, we are are working as C and F Agents .Our company's turnover is around 10 crore per yea
I am dealing in the field of distributorship of packaging materials with an experience of 4 years.Our company annual revenue is expected to be around Rs.20 lakhs. Now, we are looking forward to get some more business opportunitie
We are distributor of FMCG products across the Hyderabad for companies like Nawab Secrets, RR Masala, ORSL, etc from the past 3 years.Now, we are looking to expand our business horizons.So, I am interested in the same field as D
I am a businessman dealing into mobile and telecom sector as a distributor for 7 years with an earning of Rs.50-70 lakhs per year.Now, I am interested in Distributorship of Daily Household Products with a scope of business expan
I am a businessman dealing as a retailer of daily household items from the last 4 years . Now, I am interested in Agency / Distributorship Of Food Products. I am ready to invest an amount of Rs.2-3 lakhs. I have a shop at presen