Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers Of Food And Beverages ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution of food and beverages across India. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com to receive distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
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I have been working in the field of c and f agency from the last 15 years for pharma companies like bio-genetic, lupin, cipla, emil, etc.Now,we are planning for a business expansion .We are open to work as a C and F Agent for
I am working as a distributor of dairy and milk products from the past 6 months.Now,I am looking to get into Agency / Distributorship of Daily Household Consumables and Mobile Accessories .I am willing to invest an amount of Rs.
I am a retailer of batteries and inverters for the companies like microtek, exide, amaron, luminous from the past 5 years.I am earning an annual turnover of Rs.1-1.5 crore approximately.Now,I am willing to have some more busines
I am dealing as a distributor of textiles and garments from the last 2 years .I am also into manufacturing of coconut oil.My company is making an annual turnover of Rs.2-3 crores.I am willing to have further business expansion i
We are dealing as a super stockist for the companies like bajaj, joy cosmetics, haldirams , etc.We have 3 years experience in super stockist business.Our company's annual turnover is expected to be around Rs.75-80 lakhs.We
I am from Sangamner,Maharashtra.At present,I am doing job,but side by side I am looking to start my own business.So,I am interested in Distributorship Of Pharmaceuticals and Processed Food Products.I have already registered a comp
I am dealing as a distributor of Canned food products from the last 2 years for the companies like Tom Uncle,Ocean Secret,Tasty Nibbles.Now,I am looking for business expansion.So,I am willing to become an Agent/Distributor Of
We are into textile business , since 1981.We are owner of a shopping mall.Our annual turnover is expected to be around Rs.5 Crore.Now,we are looking for Distributorship of Chocolates.We are looking to work with the best brand
We are a company having 3 directors dealing as a distributor of computer hardware products from the past 3 years.Now,we are planning for business expansion.We are interested to expand in the same field as Distributor of Comput
I am a businessman dealing in supply and trading of rice,wheat and raw materials for edible oils from the last 2.5 years.Now,I am willing to get into Dealership business of Soaps ,Detergents and Sugar Products.I am willing