Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers Of Food And Beverages ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution of food and beverages across India. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com to receive distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
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We are working in the field of gold and jewellery from the past 15 years.We have a jewellery showroom as well as we are dealing with agricultural products.Now,we are looking to diversify into some other business.We are making
I have been working as a distributor of dairy and milk products from the last 6 months.Now,I am interested in working as a Distributor of Daily Consumable Items.I am ready with an investment budget of Rs.1.5-2 lakhs. At present
I am working as a distributor from the last 2 years for the companies like HUL , Sri Sri Ayurveda .My company is making an annual turnover of Rs.7-8 crore.My company's infrastructural facility includes an empty space of 2500 s
We are working as a distributor for large MNC's like Hindustan Unilever Limited, ITC, Marico, Philips, Nokia, Airtel, Nestle, Britannia. We are having an experience of 20 years in distribution business.Now,we are interested
I have been working as a wholesaler and distributor of food products of local brands from the past 2 years.At present,I am willing to have a business expansion in the same field.So,I am interested in Distributorship of General Con
I have been working as a distributor of FMCG products from the last 12 years.I am working for the companies like godrej consumer products,cycle brand and others.Our annual turnover is expected to be around Rs.5-6 crore.Now, I am
We are dealing as a distributor of spices from the last 3 years.Presently,we are into manufacturing of green tea products from the past 4 months.Now,we are looking to get Distributorship of Spices.We are ready to invest as per t
I am involved in courier service business from the last 1.5 years.Now,I am looking to diversify my business operations.So,I am interested in the field of Distributorship for FMCG-Non Food Products.I will invest upto Rs.4 lakhs
I am a job professional in Badlapur,Maharashtra.I am planning to start my own business.So,I am interested in Agency/Distributorship of FMCG-Food Products only.I can invest an amount of Rs.1 lakh at the starting.I have an empty s
I have been working as a retailer of solar lights,led bulbs and other electronic products from the last 6 months.Now,I am willing to expand my business .I am looking for Distributorship of FMCG Products and Chemicals.I will inve