Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers Of Food And Beverages ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution of food and beverages across India. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com to receive distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
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I am an individual currently doing job in Chennai.Further,I am looking to start my own business in FMCG products.So,I am interested in Super Stockist/Distributorship business of FMCG and Household Products.I am willing to invest
We have been Distributors of Snacks and Namkeen in New Delhi for the past 10 years and have worked for reputed companies like Haldirams and Bicano and now we are looking for new opportunities in the field these products .I wan
We are a Distribution company based in Palakkad, Kerala and having started only last year we are dealing in fmcg products we have worked for Grammass Food products and are willing to add new products to our business .We want A
We have newly started a Distribution company in Karanja Lad, Maharashtra and are dealing in various products , we have companies like Shree Shree Ayurveda and Jain food products under our wing but are looking for new opportunities
I have been working as a c and f agent of automobile spare parts,fertilisers,consumer goods,FMCG,etc from the last 20 years.Our company's turnover is approximately Rs.20-25 Crore per year.We have a established business backgro
I am working as a distributor of food products from the last 15 years for companies like Avt food products,Bambino,Modern breads and many others.My company is generating an annual revenue of Rs.7-8 lakhs.Now,I am interested in C
I have been working as a distributor of Vodafone from the last 4 years.My business turnover is approximately Rs.50 lakhs per annum.Now,I am looking for Distributorship of Daily Household Goods.I am willing to invest Rs.10 lakhs
I have been working as a retailer of automobile spare parts from the last 3 years.My annual turnover is Rs.10 lakhs approximately.Now, I am looking for Distributorship opportunity of Snacks and Namkeen.I am having an investment
I am dealing with online selling of medicines and pharmaceuticals as well as working as a distributor of medicines of Zinga Gold.My business was giving me a monthly income of Rs.70,000.Now,I am interested in some business oppo
I am a businessman in Srinagar dealing in handicrafts and other related products from the last 30 years.I have 3 showrooms in Srinagar of handicrafts,carpets ,jewellery,etc.We are making an annual turnover of Rs.8-10 crores.Now,