Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers Of Food And Beverages ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution of food and beverages across India. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com to receive distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
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We have been Distributors for disposable surgical products in Navi Mumbai since 2014 and now we want to increase our business as well as add new products too .We want Agency / Distribution of Medical and Hospital Disposables a
I am a businessman looking to get into C and F Agency of FMCG.I have godown facility available for this business.I am willing to invest Rs.10-15 lakhs.I have good contacts and networks in the local market.
I am looking to start a new business in Palakkad, Kerala.So,looking to get a Franchisee for Soft Drinks And Beverages.I am interested to invest an amount of Rs.2-4 lakhs.I will provide a good infrastructure facility for the busine
We have recently started business in Chennai, Tamil Nadu and work as Super Stockists of Energy Drinks but now we want to score more products .We want to become Super Stockists of Fmcg products in our region for which we have 1
I am looking to start my own business in New Delhi.I am interested in Agency/Distributorship of Food And Snacks.I am ready to invest an amount of Rs.5 lakhs.I have godown and office space for business purpose.I have good knowled
I am interested in starting my own business in Delhi.I am looking for Distributorship of FMCG/Household Goods/Tobacco Products/Ores And Minerals.I can invest an amount of Rs.4-5 lakhs.I will fulfil all the requirements of the busi
I have started Distribution of Madhuram Food Products in Trivandrum, Kerala and presently looking to expand the scale of my operations .I want Agency / Distributorship of Food products for which i possess very large area of go
We have been running a retail store in Sultanpur, Uttar Pradesh for the past 3 years and now we want to start a business of Distributorship .We want Agency / Distributorship of Pan Masala, Toothpaste and Food products in our r
I am a distributor of Soft Drinks And Beverages,looking to add some more products to my business.Looking to get Distributorship of Soft Drinks And Beverages.Ready to invest Rs.5-10 lakhs.
I am a businessman dealing in Automobile parts and components and having distributorship of Coca-Cola.I am interested in Distributorship of FMCG and Automobile Accessories.I am ready to invest Rs.30-50 lakhs.I have a good infras