Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers Of Food And Beverages ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution of food and beverages across India. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com to receive distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
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My company is located in Mahabubabad, Telangana and we are manufacturers of paper plates for the past 4 years , now we want to expand our business Thus We want to become Super Stockist of FMCG products in our area , we have he
I am a businessman based in Aurangabad, currently involved in distribution of Chings.I am looking for distributorship of Food Products.I have an investment budget of Rs.2-10 lakhs.I have godown area and office space.
I Want to start my own firm in Alwar, Rajasthan regarding which i need Agency / Distribution of Snacks , Namkeen , biscuits etc My infrastructure includes an office and a godown plus an investment budget of 4-5 lakhs initially
I am having a proprietary firm which deals in all Agro Commodities for the last 8 years.I am looking for a distributorship opportunity of Food Products.Ready to invest as per the companies requirements.
I am a full time pharmacist with my own Medical store since 1998, i have a license for distribution as well , i am located in Valsad, Gujarat now i am interested in Agency / Distributorship of Ayurvedic and Homeopathic Medicines,
I am a businessman in Mysore,Karnataka earlier dealing with IT products.Now,I want a distributorship of FMCG products.I can invest Rs.1 lakh.I have godown space .
I have started my business 2 months before and I have an agency of bakery biscuits and bakery products. Now, I want a distributorship of Chocolates with an investment of 50000.I have a godown space.
I have a established business in Goa for the last 40 years in wholesale of surgicals and retail sector.Presently, I am looking for super distributorship of FMCG and Pharmaceuticals.I want to invest for a good company and have a go
We are a company based in Hyderabad involved in Paper Plate manufacturing.Now,I am looking to have a distributorship of Cosmetics and FMCG Products.I can invest Rs.2 lakhs or more according to the company.
I am looking for distributorship of FMCG Products in Nadia,West Bengal.I can invest Rs.1 lakh.