Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers Of Food And Beverages ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution of food and beverages across India. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com to receive distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
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I am working for last three years in this field. Interested in taking distributorship of kurkure type snacks, namkeen , biscuits or food products. Interested companies, please contact. I have 2 staff working and a godown . If requ
I Have handled Distribution business with my father in Lucknow for Raj Shree & Kamla Pasand Pan Masala and Panama cigarettes. I am Well travelled and running a travel agency, Also are distributors of International Sim Cards. Want
I want to take the distributorship of the food product kindly provide full details for dealership. Currently I am dealing in office products and stationary, for last 1 yearI have godown space with office in 2-3 locations in J
I am from Nagpur cityOur company is already superstockiest for food products for 10years, I want to expand the business .I have started a new company. I am interested in taking distributorship,superstockistetfor food produ
I deal in womens garments. I want to be distributor of consumer products. Office and other facilities, can be arranged according to the need of company. Also can invest upto 5 lakhs. Please contact
We are looking for C&F opportunities for Ahmedabad, Gujarat. We have been working in the field for last two years. Have office with all the facilities. Will be able to invest from 5 to 10 lakh, if require also need marketing suppo
Hi, I am from Bangalore. I have worked in ITC Agency for nine years. Want to work as a commission agent in Bangalore. I do not want to invest, but will work on commission. Please contact me with your product details and commissi
We are from Surat, Gujarat.We have manufacturing unit for cashew nutsalso trading the same for last one year, We have rented place around 1500 sq feet, godown cum office, 5 workes, adding more is not an issuewe can invest u
We have 7 years of experience in Retail Module and super stockist of FMCG goods, and now want to expand our business and wants to be super stockist for FMCG products. We own office, godown and manpower. Investment can be done up t
We are a marketing house based in Raipur having office with complete facilities including huge storage of 2200 sq. feet space. We are interested to take CNF of preferably beauty or FMCG products. We also have two companies agency