Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers Of Food And Beverages ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution of food and beverages across India. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com to receive distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
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We are well known supplier of pharmaceutical products in Kochi, Kerala having 15 years of experience. Want to grow our business with FMCG products like food and confectionery. Have sales network all over Kerala. Having turnover of
Having 20 years of experience in Tea and Edible oil business, want to be super-stokist for FMCG products like food and beverage in Kolkata, West Bengal. Having 5 godowns, office, 12 salesmen and good sales network all over Kolkata
We are the manufacturer and exporter of health drinks from India since 2012. we are looking for casher powder that is defatted and when mixed with water, makes cashew butter. This is an urgent requirement. Once we get relevent sup
Having 18 years of experience in distribution field, we want distributionship of FMCG products like food and beverage. Having good sales network, man power and vehicle. Prepared to invest Rs. 5 Lakhs. Interested companies contact
We are an established distributor of furniture in Jabalpur, MP, having 3 years experience of sales and distribution. Want to grow our business with FMCG products. We have necessary infrastructure like godown, sales staff , deliver
Presently we are distributor for Liquor companies and want to increase our business. We want to become C&F agent for FMCG like soap, detergent and herbal products. Our turnover is 1 Crore and ready to invest Rs.10 Lakhs. Having of
We have 2 years of experience as the distributor for FMCG companies like Amul. Now we want to add more products in our distribution network. We own office, godown, transportation and sales team. Also have space of 600 Sq Ft. Ready
We have 3 years of experience as the distributor for many FMCG companies like Bisleri, Amul, Etc. Now we want to add more products to our distribution network of FMCG. We own office, godown, transportation and sales team. Ready to
We are looking for the distributorship of liquor in Odisha. Have all the infrastructural facilities. Prepared to invest Rs.40 lakhs. Please contact us with your product list and terms and conditions.
We are interested in C and F agent FMCG products, and have 12 years of experience in same field. Have all the infrastructural facilities. Ready to invest Rs.50 lakhs. Kindly mail us your products list and price range.