Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers Of Food And Beverages ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution of food and beverages across India. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com to receive distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
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We want to take distributorship of consumer and cosmetic goods. Have all the infrastructural facilities. Ready to invest Rs.20 lakhs and expected sales would be Rs.20 lakhs and more. Please provide us your catalog and price list.
We are distributor of telecom products in Durgapur, now looking for some opportunity in food and baby products. Have sales team, godown, office and sales network. Investment can be arrange up to Rs.10 lakhs and assure sales of Rs.
We have 14 years in the sales and 1 year as a super stockiest in Rajasthan. Now want to be super stockist for FMCG products. Have 9 distributors under us in Rajasthan and all the infrastructural facilities. Prepared to invest Rs.5
Currently, we are dealing in spices, and looking for opportunity in food products like juices, snacks and namkeens etc. Investment could be done up to Rs.30 lakhs, depends upon products and brand. Please contact us with all your p
We have traditional business of food grains,as a distributor of reliance mobile for ten years and a transport business. We are looking for distributorship of milk and dairy products. Having a sales and back office team of fifteen
We are looking for the distributorship of FMCG products in Haveri city. Have shop, sales network and storage space with us. Initial investment would be Rs.5 lakhs and assure sales of Rs.5 lakhs per month. Please contact us with yo
We are having 8 years of experience in distribution, now looking for some opportunity in food products for Mysore region. Infrastructure can be arrange as per the requirement of company. Prepared to invest Rs.10 lakhs and assure s
I am manufacturer of wooden furniture from 1981, now wanted some change and start with FMCG products. Have 2000 sq feet empty. Ready to invest up to Rs.15 lakhs, depending upon product and brand. If you want to establish business
I am a new comer and i want to start own business. So i am looking for distributorship of FMCG items for Agra. Prepared to invest up to Rs.2 lakhs and expected sales depends on the demand of the products. Please contact me for fur
We are from Chennai, want to become distributor for FMCG products. Having all sufficient infrastructure. Prepared to invest requisite amount. Please send us price infoemation.