Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers Of Grocery products ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution of grocery products across India. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com to receive distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
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It has been more than 30 years that we have been into C & F distribution catering to every modern format including e-commerce. We are now looking for the role of Distributor/ Superstockist/ C & F Agent of diverse products- FMCG Pr
We've been in the interior design business for 15 years, and we're also into another contract in the sperate arena. We have a 220 square foot facility, a crew of three capable workers, and access to transportation. The rest will b
I've been working in retail sales for the past 12 years and have accumulated substantial sales experience. Recently started working as a propaganda cum distributor for FMCG products. I do have excellent resources, such as a 2,500
We are a distinguished distribution firm situated in Howrah with over three decades of expertise offering FMCG products, particularly groceries. We have built an incredible dominance in the market and have obtained unparalleled co
We've been running our own distribution company for the past four years. We are situated in Hubbali and are essentially experienced in FMCG products. We have a solid awareness of the market along with substantial competencies. We
I've worked in the FMCG distribution sector for the past three years. We're currently based in Rajasthan, where we serve three businesses. We have a 2500 square foot warehouse, a crew of four excellent people, and the opportunity
I have been in business for the last 5 years and have considerable sales background. I just recently launched my own C&F agency and am working with FMCG products. I have a storage facility of 1000 square feet, a skilled sales and
We have been in business for the past 12 years and are FMCG goods traders. We just emerged as a C&F agency and are currently active in the Pan India market. Now looking for further growth opportunities. We do have a number of stor
We are based in Karnataka and have over 26 years of expertise running a number of businesses, including manufacturing, distribution, and an extensive background in the FMCG sector. We have a solid understanding and significant kno
We are based in Kerala and have been in business for over three years. We have our own distribution chain and predominantly function with FMCG products. We have achieved incredible competence and are looking forward to exciting fu