Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers Of Grocery products ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution of grocery products across India. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com to receive distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
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For more than 3 years, I have worked as a professional in the marketing and retail segments. I have extensive knowledge and have worked for reputable companies in the past. I recently started my own distribution venture, and I'm s
During the past couple of decades, I have worked with FMCG products, running my own retail outlet. I have significantly increased my level of proficiency in both the wholesale and retail sectors. I'm currently looking for new oppo
I've been running my own production facility and working with packaging materials for more than 22 years. I have a detailed understanding of sales and have worked for several reputable companies, including Udyogi Pvt Ltd. Right no
I have more than five years of experience managing my own distribution company and working with FMCG products, particularly spices. I am well-versed in the industry and have worked for a number of trusted brands, including Raj Mas
We have been running our own business for the last twenty years and have accumulated thorough knowledge of the market. We are constantly exploring potential and broadening possibilities. We have the necessary infrastructure, inclu
I've effectively handled my company, which specializes in FMCG products, for a solid six years. I have accumulated vast market knowledge as a result of my operations over an extended period of time. I'm now eagerly seeking chances
I run my own C&F agency and have over ten years of experience working with agricultural commodities and building supplies. I am well-versed in the industry and have worked for a number of reputable companies, such as Pioneer and R
I have nearly three decades of experience managing my own distribution business and dealing with apparel, women's dresses, and denim. Also, I have considerable market knowledge as I have significantly operated in sales. I'm now ac
I've been operating my own C&F agency and distribution network for the past 13 years, dealing with both FMCG and hardware products. I've worked with multiple well-known companies, including Hindustan Unilever Ltd and ITC Ltd. I'm
During the past twenty years, we have worked extensively with FMCG items, managing our own supply chain and C&F agency. We have worked with numerous prominent companies and are currently looking for potential growth opportunities.