Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers Of Grocery products ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution of grocery products across India. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com to receive distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
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In sales and marketing, I have five years of comprehensive expertise. I have launched my own distribution venture and work with FMCG products as I have significantly increased my knowledge. I have a 2000 square foot storage capaci
I have 14 years of sales and marketing expertise, including two years as an FMCG distributor, as well as comprehensive knowledge of accurate stock management. To work with, I have 1000 square feet of storage space, a capable sales
I've been managing my own distribution business and working with edible oils for the past two years. Have gained extensive sales experience. Now looking for more business prospects. I have storage facility of 1000 square feet, an
We've been in distribution and dealing with FMCG products for the past 5 years. Now looking for ways to progress our business throughout Bangalore's urban districts. We have a storage facility of 1200 square feet, a sales and supp
I've worked in finance for the past 25 years and have gained a comprehensive understanding of sales. I just recently began my own distribution venture, dealing with FMCG products. I have a storage facility of about 1000 square fee
I've worked for a reputable corporate firm for more than ten years. I am quite knowledgeable about the market and want to launch my own C&F agency. In addition to having a 2500 square foot storage space, also have convenient trans
I have been working as a distributor for FMCG products for the past two years, and I have substantial sales experience dating back nine years. I do have 500 square foot storage facility, a skilled two-person sales and support team
We have been in business for the past two years and are currently operating as an FMCG product supplier. We do offer a 500 square foot storage facility, a capable 5-person sales and support team, and required shipping vehicles. We
I've been in business for the past eight years and have extensive sales and marketing experience. I've now created my own distribution company through using understanding I've acquired. I have my own warehouse, a service and marke
We have been in business and dealing with jewelry-related products for the past two years. Since the previous year, we have expanded into FMCG products and have emerged as super stockists. We do have a storage facility of 500 squa