Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers Of Grocery products ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution of grocery products across India. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com to receive distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
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I've worked in sales and marketing for the past 13 years, as well as trading, and have eventually opened my own distribution company. I have a 500-square-foot warehouse with an office, a three-person efficient staff, and the abili
I've been running my own marketing agency for the past 20 years and am now looking for ways to broaden my horizons. To work with, I have a 10,000 square foot warehouse, a crew of ten highly efficient workers, and transportation ri
I'm a 6-year-old super stockist of FMCG products based in Tiruppur. I have a storage area of over 1000 square feet, a crew of 5 incredibly productive employees, and transportation rights to work with. In my current territory, I se
We have been in the pharmaceutical and FMCG distribution business for over 25 years and have worked with a variety of reputable companies, including Khandelwal Labs Pvt Ltd and Akumentis Healthcare Ltd. We have a 5000 square foot
I have 14 years of sales and marketing expertise, including two years as an FMCG distributor, as well as comprehensive knowledge of accurate stock management. To work with, I have 1000 square feet of storage space, a crew of three
I've worked in the FMCG industry for the past 18 years and now wish to expand our company. I have a warehouse of 3000 square feet, as well as an office, a team of 13 people, and the ability to work with transportation. In our regi
We've been cashew nut traders for the previous four years and are now looking for new opportunities to engage as FMCG distributor in Maharashtra. We have access to a wider warehouse of 1800 square feet and transportation privilege
We have been in the FMCG market for the past 20 years, serving as a prominent retailer, supplier, and wholesaler in Punjab. We have a storage area of 1000 square feet, a three-person workforce, and transportation rights to work wi
I used to work in the corporate sector, but I've been running my own supermarket and dealing with FMCG products since last year. Now I'm looking for ways to broaden my horizons. I do have some storage space available. The rest, ho
I've been trading and dealing with agricultural commodities for over three years, and I've lately launched my own distribution company. I have a 700-square-foot storage facility, a 5-person efficient crew, and transportation privi