Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers Of Grocery products ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution of grocery products across India. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com to receive distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
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I work in IT and want to establish my own FMCG and pharmaceuticals company. I don't have any company infrastructure yet, but the rest of the things will be addressed as required. I'd like to work in Chennai as a C&F agent for FMCG
We've been producing organic foods for the past 15 years and now wish to expand our business by becoming a distributor and super stockist of FMCG goods. We do have a warehouse, a team of 20 people, and the ability to work with tra
We've been in the FMCG distribution business since last year. We're based in Dehradun and have worked with a number of reputable firms, including working as a distributor for Haldiram's and a super stockist for Rattan Biscuits. We
We are a sugar and oil wholesaler with three years of experience. We'd want to operate here because we're headquartered in the Malkapur and have a warehouse, a team of fantastic ten workers, and transportation privileges. We curre
We are a Jhansi-based producer and trader looking to start our own business distributing FMCG products including processed foods and namkeen. We have access to a warehouse and transportation services. The rest of the details will
I used to work in customer service and have experience in sales and marketing. I've also worked as a trading merchant and now want to start my own FMCG product distribution company. We have a 500-square-foot warehouse, a crew of t
We've been distributing lubricant oils for the past three years and now wish to branch out into FMCG distribution. We have a warehouse, a staff of four capable workers, and access to transportation. We currently serve more than 50
We are a Daskroi-based super stockist of FMCG products with a 15-year track record. We've collaborated with a number of large companies, including Subham Goldiee Masala. We have a 1000 square foot warehouse, a ten-person efficient
I currently work for a firm and want to open my own FMCG and clothing business in Srinagar. We have warehouse space and the ability to operate with transportation. I'll take care of the rest requirements depending on the situation
We've been a wholesaler of FMCG products in Gobardanga for the past 6 years and are looking for new chances in this field. We have a 650-square-foot warehouse, a fantastic 5-person team, and transportation privileges to work with.