Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers Of Grocery products ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution of grocery products across India. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com to receive distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
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We are a Kolkata-based distributor and strategic partner of a reputable FMCG firm with over ten years of sales expertise. We have a spacious 1000 square foot warehouse, an office, a great three-person team, and the opportunity to
We've been running our own grocery store for the past year and now want to extend our business by distributing FMCG and infant care products. We also have experience in the field of sales and marketing. We're based in Bareilly and
We've been operating as a franchise for the past 5 years and now wish to expand our business by distributing FMCG products such as processed and packaged foods, beverages, and other related items. We are headquartered in Kandivali
We are based in Ranchi and have started our own FMCG business. We also have expertise in the area of sales and construction. We have a warehouse, a three-person crew, and access to transportation. Right now, we're serving ten diff
We're from Tamil Nadu, and we'd like to start our own FMCG products company. We also have skills in the field of sales. We have a warehouse, and the remainder of the chores can be accomplished as needed. We'd like to act as an FMC
We've been spice distributors in Tamil Nadu for the past 5 years, and I've also worked as a supply chain consultant before that. We've worked with a number of major corporations, including Alpenliebe chocolates and Agni oil. Peram
We've been selling medicinal products for the previous seven years. We have a two-person staff, a large warehouse, and logistics for our customers. We're based in Maharashtra and work with around ten Akola shops. We currently want
We're situated in Varanasi and have been in the FMCG distribution business for 15 years. We have a spacious warehouse, a crew of 5 outstanding employees, and the luxury of working with a pleasant transit system. In our immediate a
I've worked in sales and marketing for the past eight years and now want to establish my own FMCG company selling processed foods and packaged food items. Our headquarters are in Assam. We have a 1600-square-foot warehouse, three
We've been a C&F FMCG agent in Karnataka for the past 25 years. We're aiming to grow our business into new areas that are relevant to us. We have four salespeople on staff, a 1200 square foot warehouse, and transportation privileg