Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers Of Industrial supplies ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution of industrial supplies across India. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com to receive distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
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We have been employed in a well-known company in Sambalpur, Odisha, for over ten years, holding a significant position in the electrical business. Our distribution company was just established, and we are currently looking for new
Our company, which has specialized in exporting and carrying out C&F operations for more than a decade and is based in Ernakulam, Kerala, deals predominantly with automobiles. Several well-known organizations, including Ashok Leyl
We are based in Tamil Nadu and have been managing our own C&F agency that deals with lubricants for a few months. We have had a long history of working effectively in the industrial sector for about 20 years. We have collaborated
We're a prominent producer, distributor, supplier, and trader of power adaptors, CFL inverters, solar lights, and other similar items. We're positioned in New Delhi and have a warehouse, a crew of 5 capable workers, and access to
As a Mechanical Engineer I have more than 40 years’ experience in pumping Industry. With this huge experience and knowledge of the market, I now want to enter the distribution business of water pumps, motors and agricultural equ
We are working suppliers of Fasteners, Motors, Gearbox & Bearings to leading OEMs in Gujarat for the last 35 years. We have ample market knowledge as well as good business connection in our region. So we are looking to work as a D
We are automation solution provider, PLC,SCADA, AC drives, servo, motion products , robotics, sensors and controllers. Our annual turnover is around 1-2 crores and we would like to expand our business in same products and services
We are Distributors of Industrial Products like Air Compressor, Boiler, Bearings, Storage Solution, Material Handling Equipment, Fittings & Pipe, Machine Tool, Motors, Transformers, Industrial Lubricant, Industrial Fans, Cooling T
I am looking to start a Distribution Agency of Food, Beverages, Pumps, and Motors. We own 2600 sq.ft. godown space. We can invest 2-3 lakhs initially, any company interested in long-term business can contact us directly. Thanks in
I am a businessman based in Bangalore,involved in dealership of Motors and Pumps from the last 25 years.Presently, I am looking for distributorship of Motors and Pumps of a well established company.I can invest Rs.20 lakhs or more