Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers In Maharashtra ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution, wholesale Carry Forward And Agency across Maharashtra. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com in search of new distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
We are Distributors of Disposable Cutlery, Paper & Stationery Products and Eco-friendly Products in Hatkanangle, Maharashtra and are looking for an opportunity. We can invest up to 2 lakhs and infrastructure and staff members will
We are Distributors of Telecom Services and FMCG Products in Karad, Maharashtra for the last 17 years with a turnover of about 6 crores yearly. We want to expand our business and can invest up to 10 lakhs, have a godown and 3 staf
We are Distributors of FMCG and Cosmetics Products in Mumbai, Maharashtra for the last 2 years. We want to expand our business and can invest up to 5 lakhs, have a 350 sq.ft godown and staff members will be arranged if required. I
We are Distributors of Cigarettes and Snacks in Pune, Maharashtra for the last 1 year. We want to expand our business and can invest up to 5 lakhs, have a 300 sq.ft godown and 2 staff members. Interested manufacturers, please cont
Hello, we are from Vasai, Maharashtra looking to start a Distribution business of All Herbal Products. We have 350 sq.ft. godown and can invest 2-5 lakhs at the beginning. Interested manufacturers are requested to contact us for b
We are C&F Agents of Electronic Products in Solapur, Maharashtra for the last 8-10 years with a turnover of about 6-7 lakhs. We want to expand our business and can invest up to 5 lakhs and have a 10 by 10 feet office. Interested m
We are C&F Agents of Automotive Components in Pune, Maharashtra for the last 24 years. We want to expand our business in Automotive Components, FMCG and Electricals Products and have 30000-35000 sq.ft godown and 55 staff members.
We are into automation field projects like PLC and SCADA services and Sales and service partner for Dazz 3D printing machines in India. Now, we are interested in taking Distributor of Automobile Spare Parts, Industrial Products, C
We are Distributors of Veterinary and Human Herbal Products in Mumbai, Maharashtra for the last 5 years with a turnover of about 45 lakhs yearly. We want to expand our business and can invest as per requirement and have 2-3 staff
We are licensed Distributors of Pharmaceutical Products, especially eye drops, in Nanded, Maharashtra for the last 6 years. We want to expand our business and can invest up to 3 lakhs, have a 400 sq.ft godown and 5 staff members.