Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers In Maharashtra ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution, wholesale Carry Forward And Agency across Maharashtra. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com in search of new distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
We want distributorship of Chemicals in Alibag, Mumbai after 15 years of experience as traders. We have an investment of 2-5 lakhs, 50 by 50 feet godown, 2 staff members and 50 lakh turnover in our previous trader business of chem
We are Super Stockists for Imported Food and FMCG Products. we have been in the business for 40 years now and are looking to expand with an investment and infrastructure as required by the products, with a monthly turnover of 10-1
We are dealing in pesticides since 1997 as a manufacturer, dealer etc. Currently, we are looking to take C and F Agency of Agrochemicals and Pesticides. In infrastructure, we own 10,000 sq.ft. godown, staffs etc. Please contact us
We are venturing into distributorship of FMCG products in Pune, Maharashtra. We have an investment of about 50000, godown and staff will be arranged as per requirement and we have transportation facility. Interested manufacturers/
We are distributors of Pharmaceutical products for last 13 years and are venturing into Baby Care Products in Malegaon, Maharashtra with an investment of 1-2 lakhs, 2 shops (12 by 25 feet), 2 staff members and a monthly turnover o
Hello, we have experienced team of c and f agent, super stockist working in different companies. Now, we want to start our own business agency on a small scale. We would like to work as a C and F Agent of Consumable, Food, FMCG Pr
We are venturing into C&F Agent business of FMCG and Pharmaceutical Products in Pune, Maharashtra with an investment, infrastructure as per requirement and staff will be hired later. Please get in touch with us for business.
We are looking for an opportunity as C&F Agents of Food Products with an experience of 18 years, 50 lakh investment, 20000 sq.ft godown and 7-8 staff members. Please get in touch with us for business.
We are dealing in food products for the last 18 years. We are looking to work as a Superstockist/ C and F Agent of Snacks and Beverages in order to expand our business. We have all set up including warehouse, transportation facili
We are dealing in food products like dry fruits, chocolates etc for the last 3-4 years and making an annual turnover of 2 crores. We are looking to get C and F Agency of any Food Products. We own 2000 sq.ft. godown and staffs, oth