Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers In Maharashtra ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution, wholesale Carry Forward And Agency across Maharashtra. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com in search of new distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
We are dealing in electrical products for the last 1 year. We are willing to expand our business and take Distributorship of Electrical and Electronic Products. We have 2-storey building having area more than 600 sq.ft. along with
We are the retailer of plastic related products for the last 10 years. Now in order to expand our business, we need to work as Superstockist/Distributor FMCG, Sanitary Pads etc. We own two shops, staffs, and other resources can be
Hello, we are India based company dealing in Construction supplies for the last 20 years. At moment we are looking to work as Agent/Distributor of prestigious products/service related to FMCG, Clothing or any segments. Our last ye
we are distributors of Medical Equipments and Surgical Products and are looking to expand. we have an investment of about 5-10 lakhs with a godown of 1600 sq.ft and 6 staff members with 15-16 lakhs turnover yearly. Interested manu
I was working as a senior manager in a company now I am looking to start my own business. So I am interested in taking Distributorship of Personal/Skin Care Products. I have available space and I am ready to invest up to 50 lakhs
We are distributors of Office Stationery Products and are looking to expand. We have an investment of around 3-5 lakhs, godown can be arranged, turnover is about 25-30 lakhs yearly and we have a staff strength of 1. interested man
We are venturing into distributorship of FMCG Products after an experience of 5 years in real estate business. We have an investment of 3-5 lakhs, we have an office, a turnover of around 8-10 lakhs yearly and a staff strength of 1
We are into distributions in water and Herbal product from with a distributions experience of 3 years. At present we are looking to expand our business, so we want Distributorship of Herbal Product. we have 216 sq.feet godown and
We are distributors of Spicy Masala, Water having 2 years of experience in the business. Our annual turnover is around 50 lakhs. Now we are looking to expand our business and work as Super Stockist of Edible Oils. We own 2 godowns
We are running our company for the last 3 years, we are dealing with Ventilation Fans being used in HVAC field as Distributor for the Reputed multinational company. Our annual turnover is 1-2.5 crores. In order diversify our busin