Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers In Maharashtra ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution, wholesale Carry Forward And Agency across Maharashtra. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com in search of new distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
We are based in Navi Mumbai and recently started a business firm. We are looking to get Distributorship of Cold/Hot Press Oil, Edibles Oils, and FMCG Product. We own storage capacity of 500 sq.ft. and our investment will be of 2-5
We are 12 years old Mumbai based manufacturers of garments. Currently we are looking to expand ourselves and thus seek distributorship of groceries and related products for which we can readily invest upto 6 lakhs. We also have an
We are looking to get into the business of Distribution, Super Stockist and Wholesaler for Food Items and are looking for manufacturers/suppliers for the same. We have an investment of 5 lakhs and infrastructure will be arranged a
We are retailer of Garments and Automobiles from Past 6 years and also in Real state business. At present we are want to become C & F Agents Of FMCG Food Product and Electrical Products. We have 10,000 Sq.ft godown as a part of in
We are based in Maharashtra having experience in bakery and confectionery business. Now, we are looking to start a Distribution Agency of Food Products. We own a shop and ready to invest 50000 to 1 lakhs. If you are interested in
We are into distributorship of Gear Box, Coupling, Abrasive Wheel etc for 5-6 years now and are looking to expand our business. We have an investment of 2 lakhs with a turnover of 5-7 lakhs monthly with a godown of 1000 sq.ft and
We are into distribution of food and nonfood items for the last 3 years and making an annual turnover of 40 lakhs approximately. We are looking further for growth in the same business and willing to take Distributorship of Food Pr
We are Mumbai based distributors supplying consumables to cafe coffee day having an annual turnover of around 50 lakhs. Currently, we are looking to expand and thus want to be a super stockist of packed and ready to eat foods for
We want to venture into distributorship of FMCG products. We have an experience of 6 years in various businesses. Our investment would be around 5 lakhs or as required by the product and we have a godown of 700 sq.ft area with a t
We are new in business and have already got some brands for distribution. Currently, we are looking for some products for distribution and thus seek distributorship of packed foods and beverages for which we can readily invest upt