Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers In Maharashtra ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution, wholesale Carry Forward And Agency across Maharashtra. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com in search of new distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
Our company is engaged in manufacturing of structures since 2013 making an annual turnover of 1.4 crores.We are interested in taking Distributorship of construction machinery, building materials, waterproofing chemicals, fasteners
We were distributors of pharma and cosmetics working for the past 17 years. We are planning to get Distributorship of Personal Care Products, Beverages and General Grocery Items and are ready to invest anywhere between 2-5 lakhs.
We are a trading company based in Nagpur serving the local and surrounding market for last 10 years. Our annual turnover is above one crore. We are looking to expand our business and work as Super Stockist of Agarbatti and Dhoop P
Our company was formed in 2002, offering our services to ONGC for their electro-mechanical requirement. Please visit our website. We are based in Mumbai and our current turnover is above 1 crore. We are looking for expansion and
I have 15 years experience in Marketing and Distribution line. Now I am planning to start my own business and get Distributor of FMCG Products and Perfumes. We have 15x20 sq.ft. Space for our business and more can be arranged as p
Our company is dealing in the variety of field like gas, petroleum, IT sector etc for the last 7 years. Our annual turnover is around 3 crores. In order to further diversify our business, we are willing to work as Super Stockist/D
I have recently started my business of mobile accessories and recharges 2 months ago. I am looking to expand it further and want to get engaged with more companies or products. We need Distributorship of Mobile Accessories and Sta
We have started our company a few months back and working as a chemist. We are willing to expand our business so we need Distributorship of Drugs and Pharmaceuticals. We have a shop and our initial investment will be 1-2 lakhs for
We are working as a dealer of beverages for the last 1.5 years and our annual turnover is around 2-3 lakhs. We are looking to expand our business so we need Distributorship of Biscuits and Dairy Products. We have 3000 sq.ft. space
I am from Mumbai, earlier I was working in Mideast. Now, I am planning to start my own business and work as Distributor/Super Stockist of Food and Consumer Products. I have 200 sq.ft. Shop with 2 staffs and I can invest 2-3 lakhs