Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers In Maharashtra ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution, wholesale Carry Forward And Agency across Maharashtra. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com in search of new distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
We are newly formed firm looking for business opportunities. We want to work as the Distributor of Electronic Products. We have a shop area of 400-500 sq.ft. and our investment will be of 2 lakhs at starting. We are waiting for yo
I have an experience of 25 years in the welding field. In order to expand my business, I want to work as a Distributor of Industrial Products. My initial invest will be of 15-20 lakhs depending on the product and I am able to arra
Greetings! We have past experience in the business line of around 10 years and presently I am looking to start a Distribution company of Garments & Footwear. We own an office also we can arrange the business resources as per the n
Presently we want to start our company as the Distributors of Cosmetics and Personal Care Products as I have the business experience of about 4 years. We have four godowns of 20x20 area and also we'll be able to invest around
I have past experience in the business line of around 2.5 years and presently I am looking to start a Super Stockist company of Consumer Goods. I can arrange the business resources as per the needs of the business and my investmen
I am working as a distributor of hardware products in a partnership for the last 1 year. Now I want to start my own Distribution Agency of Hardware Products and Men Apparel. I can arrange resources as per the requirement of the pr
We are professionally engaged in the field of Logistics & Supply Chain Solutions with expertise offers integrated logistics services for Refrigerated Transportation, Cold Storages for leading brands in Confectionaries, Dairy food
Presently, we are the distributors of personal care products, having a business experience of more that 2 years. In order to increase our sales, we want to take Distributorship of Garments/Perfumes/Cosmetics. We have an office are
Hi there! We are an experienced team passionate about furniture design. We have been working in this sector for over 10 years with an annual turnover of about 50 lacs. We distribute furniture solutions for Science Laboratories, Ho
We are the distributors of consumer and household goods from the last 3-4 months having an annual turnover of 2-2.5 lacs. In order to expand our business, we want to take Distributorship of Industrial Products like industrial garm