Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers In Maharashtra ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution, wholesale Carry Forward And Agency across Maharashtra. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com in search of new distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
Hello! We are working in our family business as a distributor of various products from the last 60 years but now we have a start up in order to expand the business.We want to become Distributor of Vegetarian Healthy Products accor
We own a family business having an experience of 13 years and currently, we are working for many companies like Godrej, Dabur, Nirma, Jyoti laboratory, Reckitt Benckiser, Jk Dairy etc. Our company's annual turnover is around 3
Hello, I am looking to start a C and F Agency of Pharmaceuticals. I have a godown area of 600 sq.ft. and I will provide other facilities as per the requirement of the company. Kindly contact us for providing business opportunities
Hi there! I am willing to start my own business as a distributor for that I want to take distributorship of Consumer Goods and Logistics.I have both office and a godown as business resources and also I can invest Rs 10,000 or as p
I have an experience of 27 years in marketing and textile industry. Currently, I am looking to take Distributorship of Food, Stationery, and Garments. I have a shop area of 12x12 and godown. Initially, I will not invest any amount
Greeting! we are the distributors of Amul Milk from the last 8 years with an annual turnover of 10 lacs.In order to expand our business, we want to take another Distributorship of Snacks and Beverages. The investment will be as pe
Hello! We are Super Stockist and Distributors of General Products, FMCG, Ayurvedic medicines, Herbal Products, Food Products, Confectionery Products, Household Products. In order to do a regular business activity, we want to take
Hello! We are the distributors of spices from the last 10 years with an annual turnover of 2-2.5 crores.In order to expand our business, we want to take distributorship of Spices/Flavours/Food Products. We will be able to invest m
We are 12 years old in business line working as distributor of RO water purifier, solar water heater etc. Our company's annual turnover is around 5 lakhs. We are looking forward to take Distributorship of Household and Food Pr
Hey! We are in the distributorship field/trading for about 4 years now.We want to take distributorship of dry fruits for regular business activity.We own an office and a godown with the area of 2000 sq.ft. also, we will be able to