Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers In Maharashtra ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution, wholesale Carry Forward And Agency across Maharashtra. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com in search of new distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
I am a retailer of animal and pets products in Maharashtra, I am into this business from one year and now I want to start my own Distribution Business For Consumer Goods And Animals, Pet Products. Investment is not an issue for me
I am working as a dealer of noodles in Mumbai for the last 4 months.Now I am willing to get Distributorship of Snacks, Edible Oils, and Beverages. I own a shop and ready to finance 3-4 lakhs initially which will increase later.
I am an entrepreneur having a large experience of about 8 years in the business. My company's turnover is about 70 lacs approx.Now I want to start my new distribution business for FMCG Products.Investment is dependent upon
I am an entrepreneur running my luxury retail shop for perfumes and scents in Maharashtra. I am having 3 years of experience in the same. My turn over by current business is over 70 lacs and now I am planning to become a Distribut
We are active as c and f agent of automobile spare parts.We are in this line for the last 20 years, also we provide superior grade c and f services to our precious customers.Our overall turnover is more than 200 crores per year.
Presently, I am doing job and looking to switch to business sector.So I am interested in working as Distributor of Cosmetics and Consumer Products. I own a godown area of 500 sq.ft. and my initial investment will be 2-4 lakhs.
Presently, we are working as distributor of consumer goods and our annual turnover is around 15 lakhs. We are planning to switch to other products so we are ready to work as Distributor of Hospital Disposable, Drugs and Pharmaceut
We are in telecom business and also working as a distributor of copper and mill wire for the last 4 years.Our annual turnover is 4.8 crore approximately.In order to diversify our business we are ready to work as C and F Agent fo
I am working as super stockist of snacks and wafers for the last 5 years in Pune and my annual sales is around 3-4 lakhs. Now I am planning to diversify my business.So I am willing to work as Distributor / Super Stockist of Snacks
I am running my business successfully in Maharashtra and now want to invest in Solar products, Solar cooker, Solar panel etc. I am willing to work as a distributor. Investment is not an issue but it depends upon the company backgr