Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers In Maharashtra ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution, wholesale Carry Forward And Agency across Maharashtra. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com in search of new distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
I was engaged in my family business for the last 1.5 years as a distributor of godrej and gsk products. Now, I am planning to start my individual business. So, I am interested in Distributorship of Daily Household Products with an
We are into manufacturing of 3-wheeler auto steel parts.We are dealing into this sector from the last 4 years with an annual turnover of Rs.25 lakhs.Now, I am looking for business diversification. I am looking for Distributorshi
I am a businessman dealing as a trader as well as, I am into service sector and real estate.We are making an annual turnover of Rs.50 lakhs approximately.Now, I am looking for business as a Distributor / Dealer of Garments and C
I am dealing as a distributor of medicines and healthcare products from the last 5 months.I am planning to get more distributorship opportunities in the same field with available godown facility of 1000 sq. ft. and an investment
I have an experience of 1 year of working as a distributor of milk and dairy products.My company is making an annual turnover of Rs.50-60 lakhs. Now, I am looking for more opportunities in the same field.So, I want Distributorship
I am a businessman, looking to start my business as a Distributor of Sanitary Napkins, Personal Care Products and POS Machine. I am willing to invest an amount of Rs.2-3 lakhs or more as per requirement.I have a large infrastructu
I am involved in distributorship business of FMCG products like chocolates, cosmetics and detergents for companies like joy cosmetics, etc with an experience of 10 years.Now, I am interested in more business opportunities as Dis
I am working as a c and f agent of pharmaceuticals and surgicals with an experience of 20-25 years . Our company is making an annual turnover of Rs.8-10 crore per year. Now, we are willing to have some more business opportunitie
I am indulged in pharma sector from the last 7 years , as I am working as a distributor of medicines and pharmaceuticals. Now, I am looking for more opportunities in the same field. I am interested in Agency/ Distributorship of Ge
I am dealing with wholesale of tobacco products and general household items from the last 40 years.We are making an annual turnover of Rs.6 crore approximately.Now, we are planning to get some more business opportunities .So,