Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers In Maharashtra ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution, wholesale Carry Forward And Agency across Maharashtra. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com in search of new distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
I am a job professional in Thane, Maharashtra.Now, I am planning to start my own business.So, I am interested in Distributorship of FMCG Products.I am willing to invest an amount of Rs.3-4 lakhs for the business at the starting.
I am a retailer of household products having an experience of more than 6 months in retail sector.Now, I am planning to get into Distributorship of Household Products.I am ready to invest an amount of Rs.1 lakh or more as per th
We are manufacturers of blended spices like garam masala, sambhar masala, chicken masala etc. We also manufacture whole ground spices like turmeric powder,chilly powder and coriander powder.I have 8 months experience in the market
I am working as a distributor of FMCG products and many others since 1991 , also I have an experience of working as a c and f agent for Parle since 2003.Now, I am searching for more opportunities in C and F Agency business of
I am a businessman dealing with metals and scraps from the last 3 years.My company's turnover is expected to be around Rs.1 crore . Now, we are looking for business diversification.So, I am interested in Agency / Distributor
We are into retail of medicines and pharmaceuticals from the past 36 years as a family business.Our turnover from the business is around Rs.60-70 lakhs per year.Now,we are planning to expand our business.So,we are looking for
We have been working in the field of electrical goods and supplies for electricity distribution companies from the past 44 years.Now, we are looking for business diversification .I am interested in C and F Agency business of E
I have been working as a distributor of sound systems for companies like Ahuja, AS- Audio,P-Audio, Generators from the past 50 years.Our company is making an annual turnover of Rs.8 crore approximately.Now,I am looking for mor
I am from Thane, Maharashtra. I am planning to start my own business .So, I am interested in Distributorship of FMCG and Electronic Products.I am ready to invest an amount of Rs.5 lakhs and I will provide all the facilities for
We have been Doing Distribution business of Computers for the past 22 years in Mumbai, Maharashtra and now we wish to expand into other fields too .We want Agency / Distributorship of Food Products for which we are willing to