Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers In Maharashtra ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution, wholesale Carry Forward And Agency across Maharashtra. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com in search of new distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
We have just started in the C and F business in Nagpur and are currently working with Sindh Polymers pvt limited for the past 3 months and now wish to obtain more business in the area .We want C and F Agency of Industrial prod
We are Distributors of Ayurvedic products in Chandrapur, Maharashtra and currently working for companies like Dev Herbals, Bph Pharmaceuticals, Pranacharya, Mayuresh Pharma for the past 2 years now looking to procure new business
We are into business of industrial refrigeration and valves since 1968 with an annual turnover of Rs.7 crore.We are now,looking to get into Distributorship of Industrial Valves with an investment of Rs.25 lakhs. I have a godown
We are 50 years old opticals company in Yavatmal,Maharashtra.We are dealing with optical and eye wear having our own retail shop, wholesale and showroom of opticals. We are making an annual turnover of more than Rs.2 crore with mo
We are dealing in FMCG products from the last 12 years.We are also into construction business.We are making an annual turnover of Rs.2-3 crore.Now,we are interested in Franchisee of FMCG Products and Pharmaceuticals.We will inv
We have been in the Distribution since 2 years dealing in telecommunications products and recently for frozen food company Frode Enterprises , we now wish to add more business to our company .We want Agency / Distributorship
I have been working as a retailer of medicines for the companies like Dr.Reddy,sun pharma,lupin, accumetice,mankind and many more from the last 10 years.Our retail business is making an annual turnover of Rs.1 crore approximately.
I am working as a General Manager in an Electrical and Electronics Company.I am looking forward to start my business.So, I am interested in Distributorship of Electronic Instruments and Pharmaceuticals.I can invest an amount of
I was working as an employee in Big Basket.com but now i wish to start my own company in the field of Distribution .I want Agency / Distributorship of Fmcg products in my region for which i am willing to invest upto Rs 10 lakh
I have 3 years experience in distribution of stationery and personal care products.My company is making an annual turnover of Rs.50-60 lakhs.Now,I am looking for distributorship/C and F Agency of some more products.I am interes