Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers In Maharashtra ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution, wholesale Carry Forward And Agency across Maharashtra. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com in search of new distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
I am looking for an Agency/Distributorship of FMCG and Food Products with an investment of Rs.4-5 lakhs and a godown area of 350 sq ft.Please contact on the given details,if interested.
Hello, We are engaged in cosmetics & stationery products distribution business since the last 22 years and we are also involved in construction business since the last 7 years in Satara, Maharashtra .We now want Agency / Dis
I have 8 months of experience of selling mobile accessories such as Scratch Gaurds , Tempered Glass , Batteries , Headphones , Mobile covers etc .I am planning to start my own venture So i need Agency / Distribution for Mobile
I am looking for Agency/Distribution of FMCG Products /Automobile Accessories.I can invest about Rs.10 lakhs.I have godown and office space.
I am an individual based in Pune, Maharashtra and i want to start my own business in the field of distribution, I have experience of business as i had a business in my hometown Busawal .I want Agency / Distributorship in the f
I want to become Agent / Distributor For Fmcg and Chemical products in my region , I am based in Mumbai, Maharashtra and my company deals in Electrical Products since 1987 .I have an office and a 400 sq ft godown with an initi
I am a businessman in Gadchiroli,Maharashtra looking forward to have an Agency/Distributionof Drugs and Pharmaceuticals.I can invest an amount of Rs.1.5-2 lakhs.I a a good well maintained godown and office area.
I have an experience of 16 years of doing business in the field of Industrial Supplies and Distribution.I am looking to have an Agency/Distribution of Industrial Supplies.I will fulfil all the requirements which is required.
I want to start my own business in Pune, Maharashtra prior to this i was working in the field of retail of home appliances , but now i want Agency / Distributorship .I want to deal in Oil and Gasket products, i have a 800 sq
I am a Manufacturer of Herbal products in my region and i want to expand my business operations thus i need Agency / Distributorship of Mobile phones in my region .I am based in Miraj, Maharashtra and my infrastructure include