Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers In Maharashtra ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution, wholesale Carry Forward And Agency across Maharashtra. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com in search of new distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
We are super stockists and Distributors for Bakery and Confectionery products in Nashik, Maharashtra for the past 3 years and now we want to expand our product base .We want to add FMCG products to our index , we have an offic
I am businessman based in Mumbai dealing with distribution of Weighing Scales.I am looking forward to have a distributorship of Toys And Household Products.I have godown space and willing to spend Rs.2 lakhs or more as per require
I am a businessman based in Nashik, having distributorship of Chocolates and Food Products.I am looking to expand my business,willing to take distributorship of Chocolates and Snacks.I can investRs.1-1.5 lakhs.I have office and
I am a businessman in Pune, Maharashtra involved in Fountain business.I have an experience of FMCG Products distribution.So, I am looking to have distributorship of FMCG Products.I can invest Rs.5 lakhs or more as per the requirem
I want to start my own company in Nagpur,Maharashtra regarding which i need business opportunities .I want to become Distributor / Super Stockist of FMCG products in my region, i have arranged an office and a godown and can in
I wish to start my own company in Pune, Maharashtra in the field of Agency / Distributorship in the field of Food Products I have an office and a very large 6500 Sq ft godown , my investment capacity stands at Rs 15-20 lakhs i
I am looking to have a distributorship of Snacks and Namkeen in Ahmednagar,Maharashtra.I can invest Rs.1.5-2 lakhs.I have godown and office area.
I am a businessman based in Aurangabad, currently involved in distribution of Chings.I am looking for distributorship of Food Products.I have an investment budget of Rs.2-10 lakhs.I have godown area and office space.
I am having a proprietary firm which deals in all Agro Commodities for the last 8 years.I am looking for a distributorship opportunity of Food Products.Ready to invest as per the companies requirements.
We have been working with Vodafone prepaid business at Pune,Maharashtra, i have a 12 years experience of the FMCG industry and have worked with Hindustan Unilever ltd, my company makes a turnover of Rs 25 Crores .Now We want A