Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers In Maharashtra ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution, wholesale Carry Forward And Agency across Maharashtra. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com in search of new distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
I am a distributor of Air Conditioner and Washing Machines for the last 8 years in Kalyan,Maharashtra.I am looking to have distributorship of Geyser.Ready to invest according to the company.
I am a job professional in Aurangabad, interested in starting my own business.I am looking to have distributorship of Pharmaceuticals and Food Products.My investment budget is 5-8 lakhs.I have godown and office area.
I am a businessman based in Nagpur currently indulged in the distribution of stationery products and cosmetics.Now,I am interested in taking distributorship of Pharmaceuticals,Automobile Spare Parts and FMCG products.I have a good
We are currently running a Restaurant in Pune, Maharashtra and we want to expand our services in the field of Distribution / C and F / Super Stockist for FMCG Products ( Food / Non food ) in Maharashtra We have an office an
Our company is based in Mumbai, Maharashtra,covering the area Mulund West and East, we are distributors for Bisleri International Pvt. Ltd. for the past 3 years with a turnover of Rs 0.5 crore we are looking for Agency / Distr
We want to start our own firm in Nashik, Maharashtra and are in process of establishment right now, thus we need Agency / Distribution for Fasteners, Hand Tools and Allied Products .We have an office and can arrange a godown a
I am a furniture manufacturer in Ahmednagar want to take distributorship of snacks product to expand my business.I have godown space and ready to fulfill all the requirements as per the company.I can invest upto Rs 5 lakhs.
I am looking for a distributorship of FMCG products.I have godown space of 8000 sq ft. and 3 employees.I can invest upto 5-10 lakhs or more as per the brand.Thanks
We are having about 1 year of experience as super stockist of FMCG products. We want to expand our business. We want to become super stockist/ C&F for FMCG and other products for Mumbai/Maharashtra. We Have an office of about 750
I work as a distributer of real fruit juice and garden chips in Nalegaon, Maharashtra for the past 2 years and i have 5 years of experience in marketing field , i want Agency / Distributorship of FMCG products My infrastructu